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Types of Obesity & their Causes

Obesity is caused by many abnormal conditions such as secretion of excessive growth hormones, fatty liver, altered sex hormones and mental stress. Due to these complications, the body is unable to use energy properly and converts it into fat.

Types of obesity can be classified into 3 categories:

  • Area of fat accumulation

Depending on the area of fat accumulated in the body, we can classify obesity into 3 types:

  • Peripheral: When excess fat is accumulated around hips, thighs and buttocks, it is called peripheral. The body structure in this type is pear-shaped, and found more commonly in females.

  • Central: When excess fat is accumulated around the abdominal area, it is classified as central obesity. It is more risky since the fat here interferes with the vital organs and their blood supply like the liver and kidney. Central obesity happens because the liver produces excess fat around the stomach, and is the main cause of metabolic disorders.

  • Combined: Combined obesity is a mix of both peripheral and central obesity.

  • Association with other diseases

A lot of times, obesity is a cause of some other disease. It can be classified into 2 types:

  • Hormonal disease: Hormonal imbalance plays a huge role in obesity. Diseases like hypothyroidism, insulin resistance and PCOD contribute to the excess fat around the body. You can book a consultation to know how you can reverse your obesity with such complications here.

  • Mental disorder: Stress, anxiety and depression play their part in obesity. When our body finds itself in a stressed or an anxious situation, it stores excess energy in the form of fat for future use.

  • Lifestyle habits

The leading cause of obesity in most children and adults is our lifestyle. Most people are obese because of these 3 factors in their lifestyle:

  • Excess intake of empty calories : The habit of snacking on something every hour or two that has only calories with no nutrition forces the liver to make more fat.

  • Carbohydrate-rich processed foods :Eating carbohydrate-rich processed foods such as maida and white sugar is one of the major causes of obesity. These foods have lots of glucose with zero nutritional value, and get absorbed by the body quickly. This quick absorption of the food leads to more hunger later and makes us eat more food. This becomes a vicious cycle of eating more glucose-rich food and getting literally 0 nutrition.

  • Not doing strength-based activity: Our body needs some stress in the form of some physical activity to continuously develop strength and muscles. Due to our comfortable lifestyle and work routine, we do not plan such activities and exercises to stress the body.

Whatever be the type of obesity, we at CureDiab have an obesity reversal program that helps you lose weight through a personalized and holistic method. If you want to lose weight, you can book a consultation with us here.


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