It is estimated that in India, 1 in every 10 people are diabetic, and this statistic is from a 2019 Government of India survey. Many people started having diabetes after recovering from COVID-19, pushing the number further. In this blog, we will tell you everything about type-1 and type-2 diabetes in the most concise way. Having an understanding of the type of diabetes will help you seek right & timely treatment.
Difference between type-1 and type-2 diabetes
Type-1 diabetes is a condition where the body is not able to produce enough insulin naturally because of beta cell damage in the pancreas. Type-1 diabetes is mostly detected in childhood and is transmitted genetically. People suffering from type-1 diabetes lose weight rapidly since there isn’t enough insulin in the body to absorb the glucose. The only way to control type-1 diabetes is taking insulin externally through injection or insulin pumps.
Type-2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease caused due to insulin resistance and liver damage. Insulin resistance is the adaptability of the body to not accept insulin due to increased amount of glucose intake over a long period of time.
When we eat, our body breaks down the food into glucose. To transport the glucose to all the cells of the body, insulin is produced. When we eat refined carbohydrates like maida or eat very frequently, we get a lot of glucose instantly, and in response to that a lot of insulin is secreted. When we do this repeatedly, the body adapts to this change by developing a resistance to the insulin. Due to this resistance, it is unable to fulfill the excess requirement of insulin, and the blood-glucose level starts to spike up.
Type-2 diabetes mostly occurs as one gets older. With the current eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, many adults in their 30s and 40s are getting diagnosed with type-2 diabetes.
We at Curediab run a diabetes reversal program where we treat diabetes through personalized interventions such as diet, exercise, medication and therapies. If you’re looking to reverse your type-2 diabetes, you can book a consultation session here.