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5 steps to prevent type-2 diabetes

Prevention of a lifestyle disease like type-2 diabetes can be ensured if you know the changes you need to make in your lifestyle. There are changes in your body that are an indication for type-2 diabetes such as getting skin tags on the body, feeling excessively hungry in the mornings and having too much belly fat.

If you find yourself in the following situations:

  • Eating more refined carbohydrates like bread, biscuits, foods with lots of Maida, cold drinks, cakes in your diet

  • Having meals frequently, like every 1-2 hours

  • Intolerable hunger in the morning

  • Unable to sleep properly at night

  • Zero to low physical movement

  • Have a diabetic patient in the family

  • Under a lot of mental stress

There are high chances of you getting diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. You should go for an insulin level test to your nearby pathology, and book a consultation with us to know more.

To prevent yourself from diabetes, include these 5 steps in your lifestyle:

Eat meals only 3-4 times a day

Frequently eating meals forces the body to secrete more insulin than it is needed. Slowly the body starts developing insulin resistance, meaning that the body is not accepting the insulin. Insulin resistance is the main cause for type-2 diabetes. Hence, reducing your meals to 3 times a day makes the body secrete less insulin.

Include whole foods in your diet

The glucose from whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lentils, millets and brown rice is absorbed much slower than processed foods like Maida and sugar. Since whole foods get absorbed slowly, they do not spike up blood glucose levels instantly, and contain the important nutrients and fiber.

Increase the intake of good fat and protein

You can start eating foods that are protein rich and contain good fat like ghee, eggs, paneer, nuts, dry fruits, seeds etc. These foods keep you full for a longer time, do not spike insulin levels, help build muscle mass and also lowers bad cholesterol.

Start doing anti-gravity exercises

Anti-gravity exercises like strength training or body-weight exercises help build muscle mass. Muscle cells are larger consumers of glucose in the body, which helps in reducing extra burden on the liver to store glucose. Studies have also shown that these exercises help in improving insulin resistance.

Meditate or do some breathing exercises

If you’re having mental stress or a hectic schedule, you can start doing some form of meditation or breathing exercise like pranayama for at least 15 minutes a day. This will help you calm and reduce the stress inducing hormone i.e. cortisol. There are numerous studies that show a direct correlation of increased levels of cortisol with type-2 diabetes.

Type-2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease and can be prevented by including these 5 steps in your daily routine. To get a personalized regime on how you can prevent diabetes and lead a healthy life, book a consultation call here.


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