CureDiab is a holistic health management centre that combines nutrition, fitness and medications, personalised to help people with diabetes, PCOD and obesity, achieve their health goals.
Our Complete Solution


Research-Proved-Diet -
Easy Recipes -
Diet Monitoring -
Sustainable Diet -
- Personalised Exercises
- Resistance Training
- Sustainable Routine
- Physical Challenges
- Ayurvedic Medicine
- Panchkarma Therapy
- De-Medication
- Continuous Glucose/
Weight Monitoring
Pranayama & Yoga -
Breathing Technique -
Meditation -
Behavioural Counselling -
Successful Reversals

Anjali Samarth
Prakash Tehalramani
Dr. Amol Madavi
Mrs Anjali Samarth was suffering from diabetes for the last 18 months. She was having 2 tablets daily. She joined our diabetes reversal program in 2020. We have successfully reversed her diabetes and she is living medicine- free life now.
Mr. Tehalramani was diabetic & a heart patient, has been on medication for diabetes, cholesterol, insomnia for 22 years. He joined our diabetes reversal program in 2020. He is now diabetes-free and takes just one tablet for his cardiac management.
Dr Amol is a diabetic from a very young age & was suffering from BP, obesity, fatty liver. He joined CureDiab in 2021 and could reverse his diabetes within 3 months. Glucose Tolerance Test also showed that he is now diabetes-free and can live a medicine-free life.